I have the strong urge to surround myself with the color yellow; to be around the color yellow; to see the color yellow.

I went and searched ‘the spiritual meaning of yellow’ and this is what came up for me this time…

“If yellow color resonates with your soul then it means that you radiate self confidence and your intellect is stimulated.  You are brimming with creative ideas which help you act upon your gut feelings.  Yellow soul color meanings also include the Teacher’s soul – which means you are spiritually high up to guide other advancing souls.  Yellow soul color is also linked with sunlight, Earth, happiness, optimism, hope and femininity, etc.”  from “Color-meanings.com” 

This morning I posted this:

“Mentally blow yourself up and feel, see and look at all the intricate parts that make you You. You are a miracle. You are unique. You are amazing. Just sayin’.”

Again, the color yellow; I wanted to immerse myself in and share the color yellow with you.

If you find yourself desiring or thinking about a certain color, may you find it and surround yourself; immerse yourself in it and with it.   It just may be the exact something that energizes the ‘all’ in/out/of you.

May you color your world and not live in only black and white.