Every day can be a battle of what we want and what we know.

Every day we have an opportunity to let go and be free.

Every day we may oscillate between holding on and letting go.

We would be enough if we would let it be so.

Maybe tomorrow will be a day that one will let it be so.  Maybe one minute from now, one will let their self be enough exactly as one is.

We can be grateful when we have many moments like this.  We are humans and moments like this are not always and ever.

We are human where we question and wonder.  We are human where we get frustrated and sad.  We are human.

May you continue to walk forward from the place that you are in this moment and all the moments to come.  May you know that you are human.  May you let yourself be enough as often as possible.

You are enough.  We truly all are.

Just what if we are exactly where we are best to be.  Just what if we know exactly what we are supposed to know.  Just what if we feel exactly what is best for us to feel.

Let your feelings waver.  Let them be what they are.  We are not our feelings.  They are only a part of our life experience.

May you open up to love.  Love of self.  Love of others.  Love in each moment.

Breathe love as often as you can.   Come back to love every time that you can.

Everything you are and feel will lead you into your truest of self if you let it be so.

May you let it be so.

May ‘enoughness’ be yours…