My mind is telling me to write ‘bloom where you are planted’ as a quote to this picture. Yet, I’m not really sure what it means. With a little research I come up with ‘make the best out of a situation.’  ‘Don’t give up.’  ‘Take care and things will bloom.’

I’d like to think it could mean wherever you are; whatever you are doing and/or facing, give your all.   Be the best you that you can be.   Bloom can mean a flourishing, healthy condition.  It can be looked on as expansion.

So when I’m connected to all these possible definitions, it is my wish for you that ‘you will bloom where you are planted’.

Be your glorious self.  “Grow Yourself Complete” !  Neat!  Fun!

The good news is that you have everything already inside of you to do just this. You already have all of yourself with and within you. Tap in. ‘Water yourself’ and start your very own blooming with this very next breath (if you have not already started to do so)!  Its like a party up in everything you do.  A celebration of life from deep inside of you out.  May you.. Tap in.  Bloom out.