I am getting ready for an adventure to the west coast of the USA.  I live on the east coast.  It has been a while since I traveled this many miles and for this length of time.

I am not allowing my mind and thoughts to not be chaotic.  The chaos within me, that I am creating, is prevalent and loud.  It is uncomfortable and I know that within me is the ability to stop it and, yet, I have not done so.

I know once I leave the house I will be good.  It is in leaving the house, my animals; it is packing everything that I may need; it is in not forgetting anything that I need; it is the unknown with many things already scheduled that has me a bit freaked.

I say as long as I have my identification and a credit card, I can make it through.  And, yet, this time, I am not allowing this to bring me much comfort.

I haven’t dressed for so many functions in such a short time period and I’m letting this freak me out some too.

My head spins with all the possibilities.   I find myself thinking of the worst case scenarios instead of being excited about the best case scenarios.

I come here to let you know that I will be away from my computer.   Although, I haven’t been posting much anyway, I still don’t want to go without saying goodbye for now.

We are all on an adventure.  Every day is an adventure.

May we tap into the excitement of and contemplate the best outcome of everywhere we find our self and each situation we find our self in.

Adventure on!

May we open to all the great possibilities.  May we be open to the love in each moment.  May we be open to a calming breath in each moment.  May we be open.

I wish you glorious adventures.  I wish you the best of You.

Just in letting this information move by writing it out, owning it and putting words to it, I feel unstuck and more calm.  Let the energy that is inside of you move and process.  It is a helpful thing to do…