I find myself more and more excited about the unknown.  I am excited about being completely professional at doing what I do.  I’m excited to grow and reach out to help others that desire the help and that are also ready and want to grow.  I ask for support from the universe (God) to bring the people into my life that I can best be of service to.  I’m excited to be the professional that I used to be [many moons ago] only as I am today; with the certified life coach forefront to the certified personal training.  I want to use everything I have learned through my own journey and through proper training and professional courses to support, encourage and empower you; the you that is inside of you wanting and ready to come out.  Please read the page ‘Lead Practitioner’ if you are interested in reading about these said experiences and proper training that I believe creates and is my ability to be in a true, wonderful, awesome and graceful space to be what I want to be.  A professional life coach, a supporter, a friend, a guide and a woman to encourage your best self to connect to and be everything that you were born to be.

June is Scleroderma Awareness month.  It is also Father’s Day.  It is also my husband’s birthday.  Many are ‘boosting’ and getting the word out of what scleroderma is on and through Facebook.  I’m proud of and grateful for them.  Many have linked their profile picture to it.  I support them and I support the cause for a cure.  While I have lived with scleroderma for most of my life – 40 years –  I need to empower myself by keeping my Facebook page ‘professional’ and focusing on the overall journey of ‘experiencing the depth of one’s self or – as I like to say  it, ‘Just Be U’. !

This human journey that we are all on has many bumps in the road and many paths that we wish we wouldn’t have to experience.  What hurts or bothers some doesn’t always hurt and bother everybody.  What brings some joy doesn’t always bring everybody joy.  What makes us happy today doesn’t necessarily make us happy tomorrow.  It is always a choice.  It is always how we react to each situation we encounter.  It is always how we choose to see each situation.  It is what we tell ourselves that create and uphold our journey.

While scleroderma can and is debilitating at times, it has taught me much.  It has brought me to the depth of myself.  It has opened me up to kindness, awareness, strength and gentleness.  I hope to always see the good it has brought me as much as possible.   Some days I must look harder than other days – I have to look hard enough to connect to the good.  Yet, it is always there.

May you look – look hard enough – to find the good in anything that may be frustrating and/or hopeless to you in certain moments.  May you find it.  YOU are good.   From the depth and magic from whence you came, you are good.

May you connect to your own depth and magic and live from this place as often and as much as you can.