Being spontaneous makes me feel alive.  I used to be very good at it.

I woke up one easter morning and instead of going to the park to jog, I went to the beach which was 1.5 hours away.  I spent that easter alone doing something I loved.  I used to love just getting in the car and seeing where I ended up.  I love being open to participating in life just happening; and bringing my best and happy self into it.

Just the other day I was out walking my dogs and something told me to lie in the grass and watch the clouds.  I immediately resisted.  But, upon being aware of this resistance, I said why not.  Something in me wants to do this, so let’s do it.  I laid on the grass and watched the trees and clouds above.  I felt alive.

Perhaps, spontaneity is something you enjoy.

May you give yourself freedom to be spontaneous; if this makes you feel happy and alive.

When I do things on the spur of the moment because something inside of me is guiding me to do so – it is always fun and enjoyable.  It is always me being me.

May you do something because something inside of you wants you to…

Do it from love.  Do it lovingly.   Do it just because it came up for you to do…

Open your heart and open your mind to the spontaneity of YOU.

“Just Be U’!!!!