Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.   Merry-ness to all.

I hear many people struggling with feeling allowed to be who they truly are; especially with family.

May I offer to bring your true and open self with you to whatever celebration you attend or create.  May you be courageous enough to show your family/loved ones who you really are and how you really feel.  Baby steps are allowed.

What we feel is real.  Perhaps, we don’t need to judge our feelings.  Perhaps, we can just let them be here.  Let us own them.  Let us share them.  This is truly where the miracles happen.

Even if we don’t get the response we want or think we need/deserve, we know that we are standing in our truth.  Our truth is beautiful because we are beautiful.  We only want to love and be loved.

Perhaps, now is a better time than ever – while we are all gathered, many feeling stressed or discomfort…  be the first to walk in your truth; from your heart.   You will only gain YOU and what an awesome gift that is for all.

You know what is best for you.  I honor where you are.   I wish you to be fulfilled and living in your loving truth.  Let them see your vulnerability; your sadness; your need for love.

Merry Christmas and the gift of YOU is what we all need.  You were born who you are for a reason.  You were born who you are to complete and add to the puzzle of life.  Bring your puzzle piece with you.

May you be true and loving to you which in turn is true and loving towards others.  Only you know if today is the day…. or if there is a person or person(s) you can do this with.

I wish you joy, peace and love from within, without.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.