It is 7:03 pm on Wednesday, August 24, 2016.  The days are getting shorter.  The nights are getting longer.

It is dusk now.  There is a storm in the distance and the skies are grey and darkish.

I noticeably see the darkness setting in earlier every night as the days go by.

I used to dread this time of year.  I would start to ‘close’ my beautiful backyard and started to think about closing the pool; the koi pond.  My backyard really and truly felt closed to me as the cooler air came in and the darkness with it.  Sure, it was beautiful when it snowed.  But…  I am so glad that I am now living in year round ‘summertime’.

How blessed I feel.

I am no longer afraid of the weather change.  I no longer fear deep pain and agony with the cold coming upon me.

I am now safe and happy in year round warmth and lush living.  Nothing ‘goes to sleep’ here for the winter months.  Not even I!

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t enjoy the palm fronds (love the word frond and what it means!), the greenery, the lush landscaping, and everything feeling open and alive.

I was born to live here.  And, here I live.  Happiness is in every cell of my body with this thought, knowing and truth.

My ultimate goal on my ‘bucket list’ is to get to a place in my life where I am, again, watching the sun come up over the ocean and the sun setting over the intercoastal waterway (or the bay).  This is the way I want to live as many days, for the rest of my life, doing.  I need nothing more grand than to be able to watch the sun shining and ‘singing’ to me on the water.  Of course, the moon on the water has its own magic.

In fact, magic is everywhere.  We only need to believe and to look to see it.

May you believe and see magic in your life.  Voice your gratitude if only to yourself.  Feel your gratitude in every cell of your being.  Breathe gratitude in as many breaths as possible.

In gratitude we know blessings and magic.  Here is this ‘magic’ word coming up again.

The earth traveling around the sun and the moon – magic.  Especially, the fact that we need do nothing and life happens.

Wherever you are on this beautiful, mysterious and magical earth, I know there is magic.  Sure there are other things too.  Harsh things.  Terrible things even.

It is my hope, belief and way of life to focus on the beautiful, mysterious and magical things that connect us to each other; deep within our own selves, together.  To connect through a magical bond of caring, support and compassion.

As each one of us creates our own best and happy life, less will want to reach out and harm.  When I am happy and good, it is hard to think or speak a harsh word.   When I am struggling and hurting, it is easier to speak a harsh word, yet, it still feels better to stay in and on the vibration of love for me.

May you feel better feeling love and may you comprise and build your life on the betterment of your life through love.

Love or worry does not change the outcome of something that is meant to be.  It surely does change the experience of same.

May you experience your life through love.  Let go of worry.  Know magic.  Be magic.  Share magic.

Through the darkness and the light, we can choose love.  We were born to choose love.  Life has a way of getting in the way and teaching us stuff outside of love.  We came to this earth innocent and loving.  May you connect to your vulnerability and your love.  May you allow it.  May you share it.  In this alone, there is magic.

Magical you on.