It is interesting how I feel myself hesitant to come here and say, yes! I did go to the gym yesterday!

I made it.  My soul shined and did a happy dance.  My body did too.  My heart was grateful.

When we listen to our own intuition and give ourselves what we deeply (and, perhaps, not so deeply) want, we give the gift of life to our self.  We find ourselves feeling more alive.  We are in our element doing what makes our heart grateful.

With a grateful heart, we can give more, feel more, believe more and be what it is we are supposed to be.

May you shine.  May your soul shine.  May you give yourself a high five every time you experience the heart of you!

Every gift to one’s self is a ripple of positivity given to our world.

The universe wants you to be you.  The universe wants you to be who you were born to be – your whole self.

From your innate knowing, may you be.

May you give the gift of you to yourself and our world.  ‘You’ are the greatest gift we can all experience.

As I had a fortune cookie yesterday, below is my fortune from said cookie.  !

Believe in your desires as they lift you up and do no harm.