May this be enough.  May where you find yourself today – who you are with or not with – what you are doing  or not doing – how you are feeling – what you are thinking/creating, may this be enough; for today.  Today, this is how you are living.  Feel it, know it, connect to it, be it, breathe it.  Allow no judgment; just awareness. 

May you find that as things are; as you are, you can allow it to be enough for now.  Perhaps, this here, right now, is exactly where and what you are supposed to be doing.  May you find the peace and fulfillment in this.

Trust the process of life and trust yourself that you will do and be exactly how it is best for you today.  From your inner knowing to your outer doing, you are enough.

Within the vastness of you, beauty and love lie.  May you tap in and live it out.

  Photo by Dani