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Mark Nepo Quote

Mark Nepo Quote

I am reading a new book by one of my favorite poets and writers, Mr. Mark Nepo.  He is connected to his depth of self and his own spirituality, largely, because of his own experience with suffering through cancer and corresponding surgeries. The book is called “The One Life We’re Given:  Finding the Wisdom that Waits In Your Heart“.  […]

9/9/2016 9-9-9

9/9/2016   9-9-9

Today could be considered a very powerful day of ‘completion(s)’.  9 is known as the number for completion. Today is 9/9 and with 2016 equaling 9 – it is a triple whammy! My wish is that you put away, once and for all, anything that hurts you; anything that has been hurting you. Forgive the situation; […]

On and On and On

On and On and On

I’m seeing where many people are starting to (or at least putting a voice to) listening to their own inner ‘chatter’.  The sayings, thoughts, voices, ideas that just pop up in our heads again and again and again. One of the lectures I once went to said that there was a study done and most […]



‘Here’ as I am typing.   ‘Here’ as you are reading.   ‘Here’ as we both are breathing. None of us have (really) ever been ‘here’ before.   In this moment.  This is a new moment.  It is always a new moment. Anything is possible. Balance, Harmony, Homeostasis, Joy.  I wish these for you. May you meet yourself where […]



The English language is very interesting.  It doesn’t always make sense and it can be challenging and nonsensical just like life. Rain is water coming out of the sky.  Reign is to reign over a congregation or a community or a thing; “dominate power or influence”.  Rein is to rein in the kids; pull on the […]

Blooming You

Blooming You

My mind is telling me to write ‘bloom where you are planted’ as a quote to this picture. Yet, I’m not really sure what it means. With a little research I come up with ‘make the best out of a situation.’  ‘Don’t give up.’  ‘Take care and things will bloom.’ I’d like to think it […]