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On The Move

On The Move

If you want a wake up call regarding exercise – may you let this be it…      WAKE UP!!!!   MOVE YOUR BODY!!!! If you want to start moving more, may You do just this!  Move your wonderful body so it can know how wonderful and amazing it truly is and that it is loved; by you! […]

Connection City Blue...

Connection City Blues

I just returned from a wedding in the city.  It was a smash!  It was a fun, lively, one-of-a-kind wedding celebration week, weekend, day, moment, hour, and minute filled with transforming and evolving [constantly breathing] breaths. Ha! Me in the ‘big city’ is quite da hoot.  Especially, that I haven’t walked in a true big city for a couple […]

Wedding Take Two

Wedding Take Two

I’m going home to my hometown for the weekend to attend the second out of four weddings this year for our family.    Yay! Love is in the air! Take care of YOU.  Be good to YOU.  Let Love carry YOU.   Let Love be in the air for YOU. May you start with love of self […]

Magical You

Magical You

It is 7:03 pm on Wednesday, August 24, 2016.  The days are getting shorter.  The nights are getting longer. It is dusk now.  There is a storm in the distance and the skies are grey and darkish. I noticeably see the darkness setting in earlier every night as the days go by. I used to […]

Deep Breath

Deep Breath

May you stop.  Before you continue, please (if you choose) relax your shoulders, feel the ground or chair beneath you [supporting you entirely] and take a deep, full breath..  … My cells of my body and the cells that make up my brain feel scattered, spastic, jumping from one way of being to another and unable to […]



I lost a dear neighbor and friend last night.  She died at a beautiful old age.  She shined brighter than the sun when she smiled.  Her energy was contagious. She had more energy than many of us combined.  Truly.  She moved in and out and around daily; did gardening in her bathing suit; walked with her bird […]



Sometimes, all we can do is experiment. Without experimenting, we do not know many outcomes.  Without experiencing things our self, we do not know how one feels (or 100% how we would feel) regarding certain situations and/or circumstances. Homeostatis is about our body working all in unison; smoothly; as one complete and comfortably stable self.  To not […]



‘When life feels like it is falling apart, it may actually be falling into place’… How nice this feels to think of the unknown; the changing; the challenging; and the topsy turvy way that life can be, feel and present itself to us as it is falling into place rather than falling apart. When you are […]



Our breath.  Your breath.  My breath. How so many of us can take breathing for granted.  Our bodies breathe in and out without us having to do anything. Some people with asthma and/or other dis-eases know how important breath is. When one cannot ‘catch one’s breath’, it can be scary, horrible, and life threatening. Without […]