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I feel the greatest intensity I may have ever connected to.  I believe there is great change happening in and around me/us.  I am trusting myself to know that I am good.  I am hopeful that you find yourself believing you are good, too. Even in the intensity/chaos, there is peace.  We only need to connect […]



I feel like there is a big universal fan on and it is blowing information, people, walks of life, thoughts, and ideas all into coagulating together…. I can’t catch or let go of just one ‘fly by’ situation or thought.  It is as if we are all swirling as one big tornado with each of us being […]



My dogs are getting groomed in a grooming van in my driveway.  The woman comes and washes and cuts their hair.  They love it.  They wait at the front door excitedly until she gets here and they wag their tails and run when she arrives.  It is cute.  It is time consuming. I am grateful […]



I’m open to allowing it to be a good day; a good moment; a good lesson; a good connection. As I’m twirling around looking for direction, I am open to my best path being placed in front of me and my inner knowing’s ability to take me on it. Our world is open to us […]

Living on the Edge o...

Living on the Edge of Chaos

I went to a class at the local ‘Jamar Enlightenment Center’ titled “Living on the Edge of Chaos”.  It was interesting, enjoyable and helpful. Dr. Christine Page talked about negative and positives and to live in all of them allowing yourself to experience the ultimate truth in each situation; that all of it benefits our growth […]

Dizzy with Excitemen...

Dizzy with Excitement

I am here feeling dizzy, excited, uncertain, certain and many things all around. I’m feeling the Universe sending many new paths, unknown and unchartered, for us all to travel; if we choose.  I’m feeling my family, my relationships, my every day being changing to a more truthful and ultimate way of life.  Connections, dreams, inner […]

To Experience or Not...

To Experience or Not to Experience

I’m overloaded with much.  A new door, new curtains, new glasses, new energy.  I’m feeling better and stronger.  I can’t grasp more than this. I see and feel the universe putting many of us on our path(s) and creating situations, movements and unsettling conversations for us to immerse in or run from. I’m choose to […]